Sponsored by:
Roma Tre University, Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Rome, Italy
Course Programme:
Federico Masini & Chiara Romagnoli: Chinese lexicon and lexicography: Diachronic perspective and synchronic description
Daniel Kadar: Talking ABOUT Chinese language: An introduction into Chinese meta-pragmatics
Victor Pan & Linda Badan: Syntax of Modern Chinese: A generative introduction to topic, focus and wh-questions
In addition, two lectures on general linguistics by Raffaele Simone (lexicon) and Mara Frascarelli (syntax).
9th EACL Spring School in Chinese Linguistics
When will it be held?
March 31, 2014 (Monday) – April 4, 2014 (Friday)
Where will it be held?
Roma Tre University, Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Via Ostiense, 236, Rome, Italy
What seminar series will be offered?
Federico Masini & Chiara Romagnoli: Chinese lexicon and lexicography: Diachronic perspective and synchronic description
Daniel Kadar: Talking ABOUT Chinese language: An introduction into Chinese
Victor Pan & Linda Badan: Syntax of Modern Chinese: A generative introduction to topic, focus and wh-questions
In addition to these seminars, two lectures on general linguistics will be given by Raffaele Simone (lexicon) and Mara Frascarelli (syntax).
All participants are required to participate in all the three seminar series and lectures.
Who can apply?
The EACL Spring School in Chinese Linguistics is organized for M.A. and Ph.D. students in Chinese linguistics affiliated to European universities. Applications that do not fit into these criteria (e.g. postdocs, young academics) may be considered if limitations allow.
How much is it to participate?
- An attendance fee of 75-100 € will be charged (pending budget approval).
- Accommodation and lunches are included in the attendance fee (pending budget approval).
- Travel and local transportation are covered by participants.
- All participants, except for M.A. students, are required to be EACL members, or join the Association, at the time of registration. Membership fee for students is EUR 15 (for furter details, see Membership page).
How can the payment of fees be processed?
Membership fees and attendance fees can be paid by money order, bank transfer or in cash at registration for the Spring School.
(i) Good command of spoken and written Chinese and English.
(ii) Proven interest in Chinese linguistics
Application procedure
How to apply
Candidates must send a PDF document which includes 2 parts listed below.
(I) an academic C.V. containing the following information:
1. Name and contact information (including M(ale)/F(emale) for the dorms).
2. Name of the university and the course you are registered in, name of your advisor / main teacher in Chinese linguistics. No recommendation is required from your advisor to apply.
3. Information on your previous academic training, including precisions on the year you started your Master/PhD course, and your training in linguistics and in Chinese (list of courses attended, including ects-points, which are relevant to the Spring School).
4. Main fields of interest, and the present topic of your Master/PhD research. List publications and oral presentations at conferences if any.
(II) A short motivation (10-15 lines): why do you want to take part? (The “motivation” is very important in the selection procedure).
Applications and questions should be sent to springschool9@gmail.com with the subject line “EACL Springschool 2014”.
Use the candidate’s name as the filename for the PDF.
The EACL board deals with the applications and the selection process.
Applications must be sent before December 20, 2013.
Late submissions will not be accepted. Prospective participants will be notified by February 1, 2014.The board of the EACL functions as admission committee.
Download: Firstannouncement [pdf]